Auto Maintenance

Keeping Your Car in Great Shape : The Modern Car Tune-Up in Downriver Michigan
Ever been driving with the radio turned up and hear a noise but can’t tell if it came from your car or the song? As you turn down the volume, reality sets in and you realize that bumping sound isn’t the beat of a drum but is instead coming from […]

How to Winterize Your Ride in Michigan This Holiday Season
As temperatures plummet here in Michigan, vehicle maintenance takes a back seat to turkey and good tidings. Truth is, winter is the most important time to service your vehicle. From inconvenient to downright treacherous, driving in winter weather takes a toll on both drivers and their cars. There are several […]

The Evolution of Auto Maintenance in Michigan
Whether you’re a racecar driver, lifelong motorist, or newly-minted license holder ready to hit the road, car maintenance should be on the forefront of every commuter’s consideration. Jobs that could once be done on a Sunday afternoon over a couple of hours may now require careful planning and specialized tools. […]

A Primer on Collision Repair in Downriver Michigan
Automobile accidents can be downright terrifying. The brace for impact, the squealing tires, the broken glass, metal and plastic – it’s over before you know it, but the results can be devastating. Hopefully you’ve walked away unscathed. If so, once the dust settles the first thing that may come to […]

Need New Tires in Downriver Michigan? Check These Tips
Tires are your car’s shoes, and like shoes, different tires serve different purposes. For many, the search for a new set begins when the current ones are worn to their limit. Most drivers want a tire that can perform across a range of conditions at an affordable price. When shopping […]

What Is Your Check Engine Light in Downriver Michigan Trying to Say?
Check engine lights have been sending shivers down the spines of drivers ever since computers took control of cars. You know the one – that orange light vaguely resembling the outline of a motor, usually offset to one side of the speedometer. If you’re like many, the sight of this […]

Going Bald: The Dangers of Worn Tires in Downriver Michigan
Ever take a turn a little too fast, hit a puddle a tad too deep, or maybe a patch of black ice and realize you’ve momentarily handed over control of your vehicle to the hazards of the road? For most of us, it’s a moment that lasts but a second […]

Why Should You Monitor Tire Tread and Pressure in Downriver Michigan?
The tires on your car are important. In fact, tires and brakes are two vehicle defects that cause a massive number of accidents. Apart from speed, tires and brakes top of the list of vehicle problems which cause accidents. So monitoring your tires is very important to avoid accidents. For […]

5 Signs You Should Replace Your Shocks in Downriver Michigan
Owning a car is a big responsibility with the required maintenance it takes to make if perform efficiently. In addition, making sure our car is serviced with necessary upkeep can help us be safer on the road. While getting an oil change, changing your brakes, or getting new tires is […]

Keep Your Car at Peak Performance with These Auto Care Tips
Having a car you can depend on is important. It can take you places and keep you safe while on the road. However, when you don’t take care of your car and don’t heed to some of the warning signs it gives you you could end up broken down on […]