Auto Tips

Does Your Car Need Brake Repair Downriver MI? Don’t Avoid These Signs
A car that won’t start or the stops working when you’re driving around can become quite frustrating. However, having a car that won’t stop like it should can be extremely dangerous. Keeping your brakes in good working order can help ensure your car stops as it should. Most times when […]

An Introduction to Auto Repair Shops in Downriver Michigan
Establishing a repair shop as your go-to for automotive maintenance and repair is an essential part of car ownership. For most, travel is part of day-to-day life, and having a reliable mechanic in Downriver Michigan can spell the difference between minor headache and total disaster. Not all repair shops are […]

Does Your Car Need Repairs in Downriver Michigan? Be Sure to Check These Tips
We seldom think of auto repair when our car is driving as it should. And why would we? It’s inconvenient, and sometimes expensive. The truth is today’s cars are incredibly reliable. However, if you’re a frequent driver, it’s likely you’re more in tune with your vehicle than you think and […]

From Summer to Snowfall, Car Maintenance and the Winter Ahead in Michigan
With colder weather coming, it’s a great time to start planning for any routine maintenance you may have put off. While it’s never advisable to disregard your car’s upkeep, the winter months can be brutal and accelerate wear and tear. Before the flurries fall, take a look at any service […]

The Straight and Narrow on Wheel Alignment in Downriver Michigan
Wheel alignment is a straightforward process that becomes urgent if left unchecked. If you feel your car pulling to one side instead of tracking straight, it’s a safe bet that the alignment is off. Furthermore, neglecting proper wheel alignment in Downriver Michigan can drastically reduce the service life of your […]

Roadside Assistance and Towing in Downriver Michigan
Being sidelined while driving is a real pain. At best, sitting in the breakdown lane is a massive inconvenience. But it’s also a very real safety concern. In fact, roadside fatalities have increased on a yearly basis due in part to improper planning when stranded on the sideline. As roads […]

Does the Timing Belt on Your Car Need to Be Replaced? The Answer May Surprise You
Timings belts are one of the most critical points of your car’s engine. Due to their light weight and durability, timings belts have been a mainstay in automotive engine design. But what exactly is a timing belt? To some drivers it may sound vaguely familiar; only to conjure up images […]

Understanding Your Car’s Cooling System in Downriver Michigan
As the mercury rises, your car’s cooling system must work overtime to keep operating temperatures in check ensuring you’re not stranded on the side of the road. Fortunately, cars today have incredibly robust components that are more than capable of guaranteeing proper operating temperatures. But as with anything mechanical, failure […]

A Crash Course on Collision Repair in Downriver Michigan
Car accidents are inconvenient at best. As we venture into the summer months and the roads swell with motorists, the chance of an accident increases. Unfortunately, drivers are far more likely to budget for routine maintenance than they are collision repair, which can make car accidents a costly ordeal as […]

Summer Will Soon Be Here, Is Your Car’s Air Conditioner Ready?
It’s the first hot day of the season, so you crank the A/C – but nothing happens. Maybe giving it a few minutes to get up to speed is all that’s needed, you think. But a couple miles into your drive, and you still can’t tell if the air is […]